Resources on the Speleology of Sri Lanka

Since several tens of millenia both familiar and unexplored caves have been known to exist on the island of Sri Lanka (Ceylon). To draw now the attention of the speleological world not only to the well-known but also to a few partly explored or uncharted caves and karst areas, the current compilation recollects some aspects of what is already known and has been accomplished. Considered are mostly aspects of archaeology, biospeleology, cultural history, earth sciences, karstology, pre-history, and the speleo-history of both natural and modified caves and rock shelters of natural origin along with a few man-made undergrounds carved by man (rock temples, mines), karst surface features, unconfirmed and (or) fabulous „cavish objects“ and suspicious place names.

Resources on the Speleology of Sri Lanka (PDF, 6.6 MB).